Monday, March 14, 2011

Kate screams for Ron's moves

For the new TVB series ‘Forensic Heroes 3’, Ron Ng has been sporting a karate outfit for the series filming. For some active scenes, Ron is doing his own stunts. Kate Tsui was at the studio at the time and laughed: “I want 250 dollars for supporting you and an extra 50 for my screaming!”

In the series, Ron character is karate professional and is completing in the police karate competition. There is various other karate competitors in the scene and Ron listens to the actions director for his instructions and direction. He was able to adapt difficult poses and moves. As a bystander, Kate cheers Ron on and seeing Ron sweating from the scenes, Kate yelled out to give her colleague moral support.

Ron is talented in his dancing as well as his martial arts, he replied: “When I was little, I did take some basic kickboxing lesions and later learnt free boxing.” When Ron joined TVB, he was a dancer and with his dancing experience, he seems to grasp karate easily. Ron explained: “Dancing and martial arts are very similar just that one is solid and the other is softer.” Ron added for this series, there are a few fighting scenes however he did not think it was difficult but liked the challenge!

Also Kate revealed that there is plenty of chasing and fighting scenes, she added: “My character is a policewoman who wears heels when chasing robbers.” Asked what she thought of Ron’s karate, she laughed: “Good, good! Every scene took 2-3 times of shooting to complete, not a problem!” Reporters commented that Kate got on well with others like Jess Sum and Jim Tang. She added: “Yes we all got on well as we are all around similar age. I am very happy as we get along after well when not shooting and it helps to finish work on time. ”

Source: Singtao
Translated By: Elvina Chang @ TVB News World

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